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The Eighth One: Shibani Murlidhar

  Blackbird singing in the dead of night Take these broken wings and learn to fly All your life You were only waiting for this moment to arise - The Beatles "I suffer major self doubt". I heard that and I knew that this was going to be a refreshingly honest conversation with someone who is self-aware enough to recognize the feelings of insecurity that come from living a creative life, and brave enough to walk through them and still create what she loves to. Meet Shibani Murlidhar, co-owner of Nerlu cafe along with my first firefly guest Rajiv, baker, chef, ex-teacher, ex-educationalist, mother to two dogs and a not-so-little boy of 11 and by far, one of the most casually talented people I have ever met. By that I mean, she wears her talent lightly and I have been very curious to know the secret behind that lightness. So we sat down in her lovely home amongst her two dogs and chatted away for a few hours. The dogs are a whole political situation by themselves, but more on that...

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